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- 894
- 1258
- 7
- 340
- 24
- 686
- 1502
- 287
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- 1949
- 1114
- 1998
- 1773
- 1123
- 213
- 1760
- 370
- 1116
- 1240
- 634
- 1411
- 190
- 1727
- 647
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- 202
- 1195
- 181
- 1369
- 1020
- 397
- 756
- 247
- 1589
- 818
- 1946
- 527
- 757
- 612
- 570
- 1169
- 1994
- 1350
- 1128
- 1878
- 1685
- 1528
- 1172
- 495
- 1826
- 489
- 663
- 524
- 1484
- 1068
- 281
- 1693
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- 929
- 718
- 1242
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- 1534
- 1395
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- 1843
- 360
- 628
- 65
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- 1519
- 859
- 517
- 1667
- 1010
- 1504
- 1544
- 531
- 1735
- 233
- 764
- 521
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- 253
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- 626
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- 636
- 158
- 1995